
The Signal Transduction Society (STS)

Is signal transduction an essential part of your research? We Welcome investigators from all fields of life science to our interdisciplinary forum for scientific exchange about the various aspects of cellular signal transduction.

The STS - established in 1998 - is a non-profit organization and tightly associated with the DGfI, the DGZ, the GBM, and the DGP. Furthermore, we closely cooperate with national and international research consortia in the annual

Join The STS

Would you like to exchange ideas with colleagues in a focussed environment? Do you offer instruments or reagents to investigate signaling processes? Do you want to become part of the signal transduction network?

Then benefit from an STS membership!

Annual membership fees:

  • EUR 45 for full academic members

  • EUR 25 for students / doctoral candidates

  • EUR 125 for company memberships.

  • Becoming a member is easy: Just click the button above, create a user account or login into your existing one, and then click on ‘Join STS’ in the login area / account management.

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Gesellschaft für Signaltranduktion e.V.
c/o Prof. Dr. Detlef Neumann
Institute of Pharmacology (OE 5320)
Medical School Hannover
Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1
30625 Hannover, Germany

© 1999-2024, Gesellschaft für Signaltransduktion e.V.