Faculty of Medicine - Institute of Molecular Immunology
The 2021 STS Meeting on Signal Transduction - "Receptors, Mediators, and Genes" was jointly organized by:
As in previous years, the 24. STS Meeting was organized as a Joint Meeting of the Signal Transduction Society with signaling study groups of the German Societies for Immunology (DGfI) and Cell Biology (DGZ), the Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM), the German Society for Pharmacology ( DGP), and the Collaborative Research Centre 854.
Date and Time
Monday, November 15 (noon) to Wednesday, November 17 (afternoon), 2021.
The scientific program started on Monday, November 15th at 12:30 pm, and ended on Wednesday, November 17th at appx. 1:15 pm.
Workshops were held on:
Differentiation, Stress, and Death
Target Identification and Interaction
Protein Interaction and Signaling
Immune Cell Signaling
Infection and Inflammation
Tumor Cell Signaling
As in previous years, sponsoring companies had the opportunity to present their innovative products for signal transduction research as a 15 min plenary lecture in a Workshop session. These presentations concluded the Workshop sessions to allow for further discussions with the companies’ representatives at their booths during the following breaks.
Each Workshop/Session started with introductory keynote presentations of 30 minutes (including discussion) given by invited speakers who had contributed significantly to the development of specific areas of signal transduction research. Keynote speakers had been nominated by STS members and contributing consortia.
All presentations were given as plenary lectures in the main conference hall. There were no parallel workshop sessions. Oral presentations had been selected from the submitted abstracts. A limited number of abstracts had been selected for oral presentation of 10 minutes plus 5 minutes of discussion. The oral presentations were thematically related to the Workshop topics. They had been selected by the organizing committee on the basis of scientific quality and consistency with the scientific program.
Nov 15
Welcome Note
12:45 - 14:45
Differentiation, Stress, and Death
Optogenetics: Dynamics of ligand binding determines T cell differentiation
Wolfgang Schamel15:15
Short Talk Presentations / Poster Exhibition
17:45 - 19:15
Target ldentification and lnteraction
Targeting Epstein-Barr Virus Latent lnfection and Associated Disease
Paul LiebermanCancer-selective targeting of the NF-kB signalling pathway
Guido FranzosoNov 16
08:30 - 10:15
Protein Interaction and Signaling
Mechanism of genetic quality control in oocytes
Volker Dötsch10:45
Short Talk Presentations / Poster Exhibition
STS General Assembly
16:00 - 17:45
Immune Cell Signaling
Immune Receptor Signaling in Lymphoid Malignancy (CANCELLED)
Jürgen RulandTechnical University of Munich (DE)
STS Honorary Medal Award Ceremony
Signaling and mechanism of apoptosis and peripheral tolerance
Peter H. KrammerNov 17
09:00 - 10:45
Infection and Inflammation
A primed pattern recognition system in airway epithelial cells generates robust innate immune responses to SARS-CoV2 infection in vitro and in vivo
Marco Binder11:15 - 12:45
Tumor Cell Signaling
Bacterial toxins, small GTPases and cancer
Gudula Schmidt13:00
Poster & Science Awards
End of Meeting
Poster Sessions
All accepted poster contributions were on display throughout the Meeting in an assigned poster area together with the sponsors’ exhibition. This comfortable area could be used for individual appointments at the posters during the coffee breaks. Ample time had been reserved for poster viewing and discussion before dinner.
“My Poster in a nutshell" presentations
In addition, all accepted posters were presented to the plenum in one of the Short Talk Sessions as a concise 5 minute presentation. After the Short Talks it was possible to arrange 1:1 appointments at the posters.
Awards, Prizes, Stipends
STS Honorary Medal 2020/2021
Professor Peter H. Krammer from Heidelberg, as the recipient of the STS Honorary Medal, presented his award lecture on Tuesday, November 16, 2021.
The “STS Honorary Medal“ was again supported by the “International Journal of Molecular Sciences” published by MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute).
The STS honorary medal represents the most prestigious award of the STS. In 2017 the International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) became the co-sponsor. The medal is presented every year to an outstanding scientist who inspired scientists all over the world to work on receptors, mediators or genes involved in signal transduction processes. The Medal Ceremonies with informative Laudations and the Medal Award Lectures are meanwhile established highlights of the conference.
A list of Past Recipients of the STS Honorary Medal is available.
STS Science Award 2021
In 2021, the 16th STS Science Award was awarded to Sushmita Chakraborty and Sjoerd van Wijk.
This prize is meant to honor outstanding research by a post doc or a junior principal investigator being member of the Signal Transduction Society. In 2021, the STS Science Award was donated with a sum of 1500,- Euro.
The jury board consisting of the STS council and STS advisory board members evaluated the applicants’ scientific achievements and background in general and discussed the meeting contributions in detail in order to finally take their decision on the awardee.
STS travel stipends
The STS decided to distribute a total amount of 1,250.- EUR as STS travel stipends.
This year, additional travel grants were donated by the Silver Sponsors Agilent and Jackson ImmunoResearch.
In 2021, the following young scientists were awarded travel stipends (250 EUR each): Yue Gao (Heidelberg, sponsored by Jackson ImmunoResearch), Bahareh Jooyeh (Gießen), Sevinc Sultanli (Heidelberg), Anna Katharina Riebisch (Bochum), and Dayoung Yu (Heidelberg, sponsored by Agilent).
Poster Prizes
At the 2021 Meeting, the following poster prizes were awarded during the Award ceremony on November 17th:
1st prize (250 €) - Cristina Maria Chiarolla (Würzburg)
2nd prize (200 €) - Bernd Bufe (Zweibrücken/Kaiserslautern)
3rd prize (150 €) - Hagen Bachmann (Witten/Herdecke)
4th prize (100 €) - Sevinj Sultanli (Heidelberg)
5th prize (50 €) - Miriam Kelm (Kiel)
The candidates had been selected by the chair people of the different sessions.
In 2021, an additional prize (250 €) for the best short talk presentation ("My poster in a nutshell") was donated by our Silver Sponsor Origene and awarded to Viktoria Fuhr (Würzburg).
Awards were be made payable by cheque and must be cashed latest by December 31st 2021 (expiration date of the cheque).
Congress Venue
The 24th STS Meeting took place in the Leonardo Hotel Weimar, located in the world heritage city of Weimar, Germany.
Sponsors of the STS Meeting 2021
The industrial exhibition of sponsoring companies took place in an approximately 400 square meter area together with the poster exhibition in order to concentrate and facilitate interactions between the conference participants and the industry.
We are very grateful to all companies supporting the STS Meeting.
Sponsors of the Meeting 2021 were:
The STS is a non-profit organization that currently represents around 350 scientists. Over the past years, we have developed a fairly efficient and cost-saving routine for the Meeting organization. The Meeting is organized as a Joint Meeting of the STS with signaling study groups of the German Societies for Immunology (DGfI) and Cell Biology (DGZ), the Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM), the German Society for Pharmacology (DGP), and the Collaborative Research Center "Structural Dynamics of GPCR Activation and Signaling" (SFB1423). This year, we are delighted to welcome the Centre for Integrative Biological Signalling Studies (CIBSS) as new co-organizer of the meeting.
STS Council
Klaudia Giehl, Gießen
Katharina Hieke-Kubatzky, Heidelberg
Ingo Schmitz, Bochum
Detlef Neumann, Hannover
STS Advisory Board
Friederike Berberich-Siebelt, Würzburg
Dirk Brenner, Luxemburg
Arnd Kieser, München
Alexandra Koch, Hannover
Marcus Lettau, Kiel
Jonathan Lindquist, Magdeburg
Norbert Reiling, Borstel
Bastian Schirmer, Hannover
STS Council and STS Advisory Board
Chairpeople of contributing study groups and consortia
Chairpeople of individual workshops
Bastian Schirmer, Hannover
Tina Hagedorn, Hannover
Philipp Busse, Hannover
Bastian Schirmer, Hannover