25th Jubilee Meeting on Signal Transduction

November 2 - 4, 2022 - Leonardo Hotel Weimar

Abstract submission and online registration have been closed, the program has been finalized. But registration is still possible on site (cash payment only)!

Jointly organized by:

As in previous years, the 25th STS Meeting will be organized as a Joint Meeting of the Signal Transduction Society with signaling study groups of the German Societies for Immunology (DGfI) and Cell Biology (DGZ), the Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM), the German Society for Pharmacology (DGP), and the Collaborative Research Center "Structural Dynamics of GPCR Activation and Signaling" (SFB1423). If other organizations are interested in joining future STS Meetings, please contact the STS President Prof. Dr. Klaudia Giehl.

Workshops 2022

Planned Workshops:

  • A: Immune Cell Signaling

  • B: GPCR-Mediated Signaling

  • C: Hot Topics in Signal Transduction

  • D: Differentiation, Stress, and Death

  • E: Tumor Cell Biology

  • F: Infection and Inflammation

  • G: Bench-to-Bedside: Signaling Facets

As in previous years, sponsoring companies will have the opportunity to present their innovative products for signal transduction research as a 15 min plenary lecture in a Workshop session. These presentations will conclude the Workshop sessions to allow for further discussions with the companies’ representatives at their booths during the following breaks.


Each Workshop/Session (except Workshop G) will start with introductory keynote presentations of 30 minutes (including discussion) given by invited speakers who have contributed significantly to the development of specific areas of signal transduction research. Keynote speakers are nominated by STS members and contributing consortia.

All presentations will be given as plenary lectures in the main conference hall. There will be no parallel workshop sessions. Oral presentations will be selected from the submitted abstracts. A limited number of abstracts will be selected for oral presentation of 10 minutes plus 5 minutes of discussion. The oral presentations are thematically related to the Workshop topics. They will be selected by the organizing committee on the basis of scientific quality and consistency with the scientific program.

Nov 4


Registration & Welcome Coffee


Welcome Note


Workshop Immune Cell Signaling

Immune-complex induced neutrophil kinase signalling in pemphigoid disease

Mareile Schlotfeldt

The MK2/MK3/TTP hub determines the composition and balance of cytokine expression in MCMV-infected macrophages

Christian Ehlting

Ligand-independent constitutive cytokine receptor signaling mediated by forced transmembrane dimerization

Doreen Floss

Updates on the Andor Dragonfly and BC43: Versatile Confocal Microscopes for Advanced Imaging

Rüdiger Bader, Oxford Instruments Andor


Coffee break


STS General Assembly


My Poster in a Nutshell talks


Poster viewing I




Workshop Hot Topics in Signal Transduction

Computational pipelines based on Artificial Intelligence – a versatile low-threshold tool for biomedicine

Julian Borbeck

Optogenetic Control of the Mitochondrial Protein Import in Mammalian Cells

Lukas Althoff


Get-together in Hotel Gallery

Nov 5


Workshop Growth Factors, Cytokines, and Their Receptors

A TNFR2-specific TNF fusion protein with improved vaccine effectiveness

Yin Xiao

The novel function of GANP, a member of Transcription Export Complex 2 (TREX-2) in the transcription regulation of immediate early genes

Doan Duy Hai Tran

Protein Succinylome analysis identifies citrate synthase as a central regulator of osteoclast differentiation

Yue Gao

BMG LABTECH’s microplate readers for cell signalling assays

Laura Schmidt, BMG LABTECH GmbH


Coffee break


Workshop From Basics to Translation

A multi-lineage 3D culture system to model tumor cells in non-transformed microenvironment

Alexandra Koch

Aberrant expression of the MID1 protein in Huntington's disease brain

Sybille Krauß

Novel application of Promega NanoBiT® Protein:Protein Interaction System

Annika Reisbitzer

Seeing is Believing: Functional Imaging of NanoLuc® Technologies with Bioluminescence Microscopy

Erik Bonke, Promega GmbH


Lunch Snack


Workshop G Protein-Mediated Signaling

Exploring the Ligand-Induced Stabilization of the Active Y4 Receptor Conformation by Using Selective Peptide Agonists

Tim Pelczyk

Ras localization in the context of SPRED1 regulated Retromer trafficking

Sarah Bühler

Mammalian hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 2 is under changing evolutionary constraint

Claudia Stäubert

Studying signal transduction pathways by gene expression

Christian Klug, QIAGEN GmbH


Coffee break


Poster Viewing II


STS Honorary Medal Award Ceremony

Deconvoluting the complexity of protein phosphorylation and the protein kinases involved (GBM lecture)

Lewis C. Cantley



Nov 6


Workshop Tumor Cell Biology

Targeting the AKT/mTOR pathway attenuates the metastatic potential of colorectal carcinoma circulating tumor cells in a xenotransplantation model

Manfred Jücker

Targeting Dual-Specificity Phosphatases DUSP1 and DUSP6 in Drug-Resistant Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

Maike Buchner

The Emerging Tumor Suppressor RFX7 is a Potential Regulator for Differentiation Therapy in Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Setenay Gupse Özcan

AI-Powered High Content Imaging and Analysis with Nikon's Eclipse Ji

Dirk Scholz, Nikon Deutschland, Healthcare/Microscope Solutions


Coffee break


Workshop Differentiation, Stress, and Death

IRGQ-Mediated Autophagy in MHC-I Quality Control Drives Tumor Immune Evasion

Lina Herhaus

ER stress inhibition enhances formation of triacylglcerols and protects endothelial cells from lipotoxicity

Igor Kovacevic

Role of MRTF in breast epithelial differentiation and function

Anna Burova


Announcement of Raffle Winners


Workshop Infection and Inflammation

Macrophage production of the immune-metabolite itaconate: the swiss-army knife in immunoregulation and anti-bacterial defence?

Roland Lang, Erlangen (DE)

Regulation of the cGAS/STING pathway by Staphylococcus aureus biofilm environments

Elisabeth Seebach

Mono-ADP-ribosylation in antiviral defense

Patricia Korn

BRG1 and glucocorticoids – more than gene activation

Franziska Greulich


Presentation of Awards


Farewell Snack / End of Meeting

Special Event

The New Bauhaus Museum Weimar – MACH MIT / JOIN IN

On the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the STS-Meeting, we would like to invite all participants to visit the Bauhaus Museum Weimar on Thursday, November 3, 1 to 4 pm. The museum highlights the early phase of the most influential school of art and design of the 20th century. The New Bauhaus Museum Weimar was opened in April 2019, showcasing the treasures of the world’s oldest Bauhaus collection. The Bauhaus Museum reveals how crucial processes of change at the start of the 20th century with respect to society, new forms of coexistence, new technologies, material studies were initiated by the Bauhaus.

We have arranged guided tours in English and German of 30 min for you and you will have the chance to stroll around by yourself and enjoy our special event. Transfer from the hotel to the museum and back is arranged.

More information on the Bauhaus museum can be found here.

Poster Sessions

All accepted poster contributions will be on display (poster format: DIN A0, upright, 84,1 cm x 118,9 cm) throughout the Meeting in an assigned poster area together with the sponsors’ exhibition. This comfortable area can be used for vivid discussions at the posters during the coffee breaks. Ample time will be reserved for poster viewing and discussion.

“My Poster in a nutshell" presentations

In addition, all accepted posters can be presented to the plenum in one of the Short Talk Sessions as a concise One-Minute-Short talk. Please prepare one PowerPoint Slide containing key aspects of your scientific contribution to attract participants to your poster. After the short talk presentation it will be possible to meet at the posters for further scientific disussions.

Prizes and Travel Grants

Application Deadline

The deadline for all applications (travel grants, GBM-Innovation-Award, STS Science Award) is 17 September 2023!

STS Science Award 2022

This prize is meant to honor outstanding research by a post doc or a junior principal investigator being member of the Signal Transduction Society. In 2022, the STS Science Award will be donated with a sum of 1500,- Euro.

The jury board consisting of the STS council and STS advisory board members will evaluate the applicants’ scientific achievements and background in general and discuss the meeting contributions in detail in order to finally take their decision on the awardee.

GBM-Innovation-Award for Young Scientists 2022

Each year on the occasion of the STS Joint Meeting “Signal Transduction - Receptors, Mediators and Genes”, the Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology/Gesellschaft für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie e.V. (GBM) announces the GBM-Innovation-Award for Young Scientists, donated with EUR 500,–.

The prize will be granted to a young scientist (diploma, master, MD or PhD student or post doc within their first years) who is developing or has developed a novel and innovative method, which might be attractive for all of us. The work has to be submitted as an abstract to the STS-Meeting and must be presented also as a poster, even if the abstract is selected for oral presentation. The awardee will be announced at the Award ceremony. Awards can only be received personally.

The award jury consisting of the speakers of the GBM-Study Groups “Biochemical Pharmacology and Toxicology” and “Receptors and Signal Transduction” will select appropriate candidates.

STS travel stipends

In 2022, the STS decided to award ten young scientists travel stipends (300 EUR each).

For more details, please also refer to the Prizes / Travel grants section of our website.

Poster Prizes

Five poster prizes will be awarded during the meeting. The candidates will be selected by the chair people of the different sessions.

Awards will be made payable by cheque and must be cashed latest by December 31st 2022 (expiration date of the cheque).

STS Honorary Medal 2022

No medalist in 2022

Important Info: Due to irresolvable scheduling conflicts, the nominee will not be able to attend this year's meeting for an in-person medal ceremony. Since the STS considers it a key requirement for the award ceremony that the medalist be present at the meeting as an inspiring example especially for the young scientists, there will therefore be no award winner in 2022.

The STS honorary medal represents the most prestigious award of the STS. In 2017 the International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) became the co-sponsor. The medal is presented every year to an outstanding scientist who inspired scientists all over the world to work on receptors, mediators or genes involved in signal transduction processes. The Medal Ceremonies with informative Laudations and the Medal Award Lectures are meanwhile established highlights of the conference.

A list of Past Recipients of the STS Honorary Medal is available.

Covid-19 Information

Closely following the development of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, we would like to inform you about the currently valid regulation for the meeting and your stay at the Leonardo Hotel. Of course this regulation will be adapted according the pandemic’s development and the rules provided by the local authorities. If necessary, we will inform you at short notice.

In order to guarantee a safe and enjoyable meeting

  • we strongly recommend all participants to be either vaccinated or recovered, and to be currently tested.

  • we strongly recommend all participants to wear a medical mask indoors, if the minimum distance of 1.5 meters between persons cannot be kept.

  • in case of symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, a lack of smell or taste, shortness of breath, or a runny nose, please stay at your hotel room and ask the reception to contact a physician.

  • please follow the basic hygiene rules.

  • meeting rooms will be ventilated on a regular basis.

The Covid-19 pandemic guidelines of the Leonardo-Hotel can be found at https://www.leonardo-hotels.com/coronavirus-statement.

Congress Venue

The 25th STS Meeting will again take place in the Leonardo Hotel Weimar, located in the world heritage city of Weimar, Germany.

Registration and Fees

The STS aims at making the meeting attractive and affordable especially for young scientists.

As in recent years, the regular meeting fees cover lunches, dinners (without beverages) and catering during coffee breaks and poster sessions throughout the meeting. Moreover, the traditional personalized STS coffee mug are also included in the registration fees.

Register here for the meeting!

Please note that accomodation costs are not included in the meeting fee, so you are free to arrange bookings by yourself.

We would like to stress that the fees for STS members do not even cover the effective costs for individual participants.

Early Bird Registration (extended until September 15)
STS Members
Academic Participant€250
Academic Participant€325
Non-Academic Participant€400
Sponsor (addtl. Participant)€250

Late Registration (after September 15)
STS Members
Academic Participant€300
Academic Participant€375
Non-Academic Participant€450
Sponsor (addtl. Participant)€300

Sponsors of the STS Meeting 2023

The industrial exhibition of sponsoring companies will take place in an approximately 400 square meter area together with the poster exhibition in order to concentrate and facilitate interactions between the conference participants and the industry.

We are very grateful to all companies who want to support the STS Meeting.

If you are interested in sponsoring the meeting, please contact Katharina Hieke-Kubatzky.

Sponsors of the meeting as of 9.10.2023 are:


The STS is a non-profit organization that currently represents around 350 scientists. Over the past years, we have developed a fairly efficient and cost-saving routine for the Meeting organization. The Meeting is organized as a Joint Meeting of the STS with signaling study groups of the German Societies for Immunology (DGfI) and Cell Biology (DGZ), the Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM), the German Society for Pharmacology (DGP), and the Collaborative Research Center "Structural Dynamics of GPCR Activation and Signaling" (SFB1423). This year, we are delighted to welcome the Centre for Integrative Biological Signalling Studies (CIBSS) as new co-organizer of the meeting.

Organizing Committee

STS Council

  • Klaudia Giehl, Gießen

  • Katharina Hieke-Kubatzky, Heidelberg

  • Ingo Schmitz, Bochum

  • Detlef Neumann, Hannover

STS Advisory Board

  • Friederike Berberich-Siebelt, Würzburg

  • Dirk Brenner, Luxemburg

  • Arnd Kieser, München

  • Alexandra Koch, Hannover

  • Marcus Lettau, Kiel

  • Jonathan Lindquist, Magdeburg

  • Norbert Reiling, Borstel

  • Bastian Schirmer, Hannover

Program Committee
  • STS Council and STS Advisory Board

  • Chairpeople of contributing study groups and consortia

  • Chairpeople of individual workshops

Program Booklet
  • Bastian Schirmer, Hannover

  • Tina Hagedorn, Hannover

  • Philipp Busse, Hannover

  • Bastian Schirmer, Hannover